Thing is, if I call a project a shoddily put together turd that will topple on the first unexpected input, should I be moderated?
I'm pretty sure it is both accurate description of several (software) projects I've seen, and hurts someones feelings; and it is something I might write when sufficiently disgusted at the lack of engineering/workmanship, to express how strong my opinion is.
As long as the thing is attacked and not the person, welcome to the engineering world
Sometimes it is not about a thing but about human error. How can we teach to improve this without hurting someones feelings. In real live it, at times, is possible to asses the person and dress up the comment nicely. On the internet that is not possible and even when written without being to negative, like instead of "Hey asshole learn to read", "Someone need to learn how to read", it can still hurt someones ego.
It should always be an option to point out personal flaws. It is part of free speech, and it seems that the puppet masters are aiming to limit it severely.
On both personal and technical plane it can be done without being to negative, but when you point out the flaws in someones project they are very proud of, it is going to hurt either way. But leaving it unaddressed leads to more people building shitty stuff.
Especially on the internet people have to grow a thicker skin and keep their toes short.
Otherwise don't post on public forums, because there is always the risk of getting negative feedback.