so gangs can buy fedex surveillance
of course their system won't end up being used by organized crime, or spied on by hackers for sale to organized crime and foreign governments. Finally can see whats going on daily near VIP's with fedex.
Does that car belong to a escort? lets help direct this years election
If you study organized crime, you will learn a great deal of their power came from intelligence gathering (i.e. crooked cops, crooked valet, etc) so they can acquire the high value targets. I love how it just has no qualms about being related to sheep too.
East Germany showed us how mass surveillance lead the country to great prosperity,. Oh wait, despite the fact that it had more rats then the subway and microphones then a recording studio it was still a dangerous, destitute and corrupt piece of garbage with tons of gangs and criminal activity. You would have thought that it would be one of the safest places on earth, but it just forged a incredibly strong criminal element that basically became linked to a corrupt state.
England's economy sure bloomed after intensively pushing cameras and other crap for 20 years too (actually the people that I talk to tell me its really bad, with a impossible cost of living and general gloomy atmosphere, like the lady that chose to work in a bakery then stay in England)
If history is a guide, then this will probobly not help us very much.