Solder on Al with CuSO
4 + NaCl + FeCl
3 just skip the whole procedure and solder normally, straight on aluminium, like you would do when soldering on a normal copper PCB, except for aluminium soldering you need to keep the soldering point covered in oil, so the oxigen won't reach the aluminium to form aluminium oxide. Aluminium oxide is the one that prevents the solder to stick, and it forms almost instantly in air.
Put a drop of oil on the future soldering spot, scratch a little the aluminium surface under the oil drop in order to remove the invisible oxide, then solder under the oil blob. Solder has no problem sticking on unoxidized aluminium, and the drop of oil stays in the way of atmospheric oxigen to come in contact with the aluminium at the soldering spot.
I've tried soldering under a drop of motor oil and under a drop of cooking oil, both oil worked. Soldered this way on kitchen aluminium foil and on solid aluminium radiators. It works almost as easy as it were copper. Just don't use your best soldering tool, the oil will be hard to remove from the soldering tip. Use a sacrificial tip, or cover it in Al foil for protection.