We designed a board with TPS62140, TPS25942A and TPS63060 in it; in Feb 2021, these parts were in good supply, no stock issues, every major distributor had 2000+ pcs on hand.
Come to order the boards today and we can't get any of those parts. Ended up respinning with MPS, LT and Maxim parts. I honestly did not think I would ever design in a Maxim part deliberately (long story as to why but they had supply issues before.) The world has gone crazy for semiconductors.
Talking to my half-brother today and he was buying up as many hard drives as he could get his hands on as Chia mining is something he's doing, he has over 500TB and counting - apparently you can't buy any 8TB or 14TB drives any more and it's getting progressively harder to buy 4TB disks. So if you were enjoying cheap hard disks then that's coming to an end now, just like other crypto made GPU prices insane.