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How to get schoolkids to choose to go into Electronics Engineering.
Do you agree, the following is how to get schoolkids into Electronics Engineering?.....
Please assist in growing an Electronics Engineering industry that can be used to make the electronics needed to make “stuff” that todays world means we desperately need.
Bringing back the Power Supply Engineering sector to us is key to growing the entire Electronics Engineering sector.
When the Civilian Electronics Engineering industry is enhanced for us, then the “stuff” Electronics industry can feed off it and grow.
Electronics is the key to it. Electronics is an area of engineering that is deemed “difficult” by school pupils, and so they avoid it. Preferring instead Mechanical Engineering (not saying that’s any easier) , or other non-Engineering careers.
The key to this, is to specifically bring "Power Supply Engineering" back to the fore. At the moment, it is pretty well exclusively outsourced to “somewhere else”. Power Supply Engineering , due to its transparency, is that branch of electronics that is within the capability range of most students. (anybody who wants to put in the work could expect to attain “power supply engineer ability”)
So, In order to entice school pupils to choose electronics, we must make them believe that they have a decent chance of learning it well enough to get a job in it. And it’s the Power Supply Engineering sector that allows this.
Of course, once they get on an Electronics course, they may then find that they get on well with one of the other sectors of electronics, which is fine. Indeed, may of them will do, and this will fill out those sectors aswell, which is good because it would provide engineers needed for the revival of the Electronics Engineering industry. Providing the number of engineers needed for “stuff” work. These engineers can reside in the civilian sector until they move to the “stuff” sector, since the theory of electronics is the same, whether “stuff” or civil.
Power Supply Engineering is a branch of electronics that is much easier to learn than other areas of electronics. This is because the internet is very full of websites teaching about it. The “secrecy” enshrouding other branch’s of electronics is not nearly so prevalent in Power Supply Engineering.
Almost every electronics product needs a power supply, so it’s an area well “trodden over”, and indeed, learning how to integrate a product with a power supply is an area of crucial importance , which often ruins the progress of electronics products that are in-the-making, if not done properly. Even if you are buying in a power supply, you need to know the ins-and-outs of power supply engineering in order to successfully integrate your product with it.
Also, the simulators for Power Supply Engineering are free-of-charge (LTspice). Also, the lab equipment needed to work in the Power Supply sector is much cheaper than other branch’s of electronics. Eg oscilloscopes, Multimeters, soldering irons etc. For example, a cheap scope is way cheaper than the cost of a Vector Network Analyzer that is needed for eg RF engineering. Also, the components needed to build power supplies are way cheaper than other areas of electronics. A student could well envision being able to build and test a power supply at home, “on the kitchen table”. This is essential, as you can’t develop as an engineer without “designing and then making things”.
The following are the various sectors of electronics: 1….Semiconductor engineering (VLSI) 2….Electric motors and drives 3….FPGA and high speed digital 4….Embedded software 4A…High level software 5….Radio and Microwave engineering 5…Control Engineering 6….Audio Engineering 7…Power Generation & Distribution
..Also, there is “General Analog electronics”, which gets used in all of the above sectors. In particular, Power Supply Engineers have excellent General Analog electronics skills, because all that circuitry is used as auxiliary circuitry in power supplies.
Other sectors such as battery chargers, solar inverters and lighting, all fall under the “Power Supply Engineering” blanket.
Power Supply Engineering these days, is mostly concerned with “Switch Mode Power Supplies”. Also, even though “Power Supply Engineering” is the easiest branch of electronics to develop an ability in, its a fact that in its most advanced form, its just as challenging as any other sector of electronics. Though the key point is that it’s the easiest sector in which “working engineer ability” can be attained.
Bringing back the “Power Supply Design & Manufacture industry” to us is key to growing the Electronics Engineering sector, that is needed to build the “stuff” desperately needed today.
Of course, certain “stuff” electronics often involves Radio and Microwave Engineering, and also often FPGA and high speed digital. However, to get people into these sectors, you have to first get them to choose Electronics Engineering courses. And its Power Supply Engineering sector that can get those numbers of students to take the plunge into Electronics in the first place.
Of note, Drone technology involves multiple sectors, but the drone propeller drive is from the “Electric motors & Drives” sector of electronics, which is very close to the “Power Supply sector”. Indeed they both fall under the “Power Electronics” blanket. A power supply engineer would not find it difficult to transfer their skills to this sector.
Electronics could easily be brought back to us. It wouldnt hurt economically, since the proliferation of engineering skills in the economy would bring industries and revenue to us. There are thousands of ways of manufacturing electronics without high labour intensiveness.
Please could you help to advertise this to the school children throughout? I believe it would be good to make a video detailing the Power Supply sector to the pupils, and thereby inviting them to study Electronics Engineering.
Encouraging them that there actually are areas of electronics after all, where they could well expect to attain enough ability to be employable within electronics. Making them realise that Electronics isn’t all as hard as they imagine.
If I send a video, may I ask would you please help to get it sent it to the schools? Better still would be to arrange some sports personality etc to narrate the video. Inspire the pupils like that.
Thankyou for reading.
No I wouldn't, because it is a load of impractical bollocks.
Get off your obsession, and get a life. There is more to life than SMPSs
Written in green ink, because that's the colour you should use when writing your letters.
i stopped reading right after "Do you agree".....
--- Quote from: tggzzz on May 19, 2024, 04:01:56 pm ---No I wouldn't, because it is a load of impractical bollocks.
Get off your obsession, and get a life. There is more to life than SMPSs
Written in green ink, because that's the colour you should use when writing your letters.
--- End quote ---
True. OTOH there is quite some mystification where it comes to switching power supplies. Worse case I've seen was a project participant flat out refusing to redesign a board they developed because they had to hire a specialist again to do the layout for some simple off-the-shelve SMPS chips (which come with app notes showing exactly how to do layout).
I agree with the general sentiment - that primary school kids <=11years - in the uk should have a much better design & technology curriculum, delivered with more thought and hope/passion.
Electronics could play a part - not central.
A way to encourage some of that might be to develop some teaching materials for the class room teacher to use. :popcorn:
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