That's nice!
In terms of minimizing the pics for web, I'm using 'convert' (from the 'imagemagic' package, often preinstalled), a command line tool for Linux, good to strip the extra info and to resize the original jpegs to half (1024px wide), then compress them a little better.
The camera is an ancient Minolta DiMAGE Z1, 3MP, better than a DSLR for close up pics. In general, cameras with a smaller area sensor give better depth of field for closeup/macro shots than a camera with a big sensor. DoF is bigger when the sensor is smaller (small in size, not in pixels) and this is so because of physics/math, it's not just an artistic bias.
The set of parameters that worked best for me, by turning a 1.5MB (2048x1536 px) .jpg into a 30-50kB (1024x768 px) .jpg, about 30 times smaller while the quality is preserved well enough for web posting:
convert "PICT3090.JPG" -strip -matte -resize 1024 -quality 50% -sampling-factor "2x2, 1x1, 1x1" "PICT3090_s.JPG"
Same pic as in the attachment, but resized + compressed 50% using Gimp has about 80k, looks slightly better but the quality difference is noticeable only when compared side by side, otherwise the smaller one prepared with 'convert' would be just as good:

For a comparison, the original is PICT3090.JPG, 1.5MB.