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I am going to nag any way ... User Profile data

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--- Quote from: Matt on May 26, 2010, 03:33:54 pm ---WTF...

--- End quote ---

I have the right to say that.... some one tried to hack my email account all ready ... Hello from Chicago IL  ...  my regards ..  

Not sure what is going on here, but may I kindly suggest to take a few day's off?

I'm sorry to say, but you're just coming across as a rambling idiot... if that is not your intention then please calm down.


--- Quote from: Kiriakos-GR on May 26, 2010, 03:25:27 pm ---
I dislike anonymous users who things(sic) that their opinion should be written on the board ..

--- End quote ---


So adding your age and country instantly makes you not anonymous?

Who are you?
Where do you live?
What's your address?
(all rhetorical questions BTW)

Believe it or not, you Kiriakos are just as anonymous as anyone who chooses not to divulge this information.

We've heard your anonymous childish tantrum/opinion, too much.
Now take a valium, relax and let people do what they feel is right for them and stop forcing your ideals on others.

Dude i think the only one who is being stubborn and childish is you.

Your intentions might have been good at the start but you've lost it. Just read what you write

--- Quote ---The only one who does not do it , its you ..  and your are one tiny tiny "you"
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---... I am hundreds steps ahead ...
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---" You will not get an reply if you have an empty user profile "  Age - Country " My rule " ...
--- End quote ---

I think you should fly a little lower, that's just a friendly advice. Do whatever you want with that, i don't care.
You've started a personal crusade out of nothing... you can't force people to post their own personal information if they don't want to, plain and simple. And the fact that they don't do it doesn't mean a damn thing, there mustn't be a reason behind that. You don't want to answer people who remain anonymous? Then just do it, the world will carry on, i assure you. There is no need for threatening sentences or public shows.


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