I will give another try, so to explain my view ...
In one " International " forum , the non-native English speaking people ,
they do not have the ability of be " Sarcastic " , most of them use the language to pass their message.
Feelings and Web boards, was one issue from day one ... only at your video I could see ,
your face and tone of voice , so to totally understand the level of any feelings , transferable by use of the sound and picture.
So by judging in the Internet, the " feelings " of one text , has an tremendous " high error" percentage of 50/50 ...

( even worst than the worst Chinese made DMM )

Any way , my understanding so far , are that we have lots of very young ones , hanging on a forum,
made for the electronic engineers.
And they like to participate as equals ( by pretending the grownup's).
When some one starts to pretending , he is an
fake personality.
Its known that humans are imperfect , and I am one of them , but at list, I am trying to be always honest.
Honest actions and words ..
Now that you have read my point of view , delete this thread ..