Mirrors can still be found here on European sites:
http://wikileaks.info/The cables can be found as bit torrents:
http://www.utorrent.com/3- Have absolutely no doubt that the US government is using wikileaks to their perceived advantage.
That is the very nature of the politician: to do use *all* information, favourable and unfavourable, to their advantage in order to promote whatever cause they might have signed up for. (In this case, to regulate the internet, to extend the definition of terrorist, to initiate military campaigns, etc.).
That we *know* politicians are corrupt does not make it so. *Evidence* makes it so. And even the politician cannot dodge evidence for too long without suffering consequences. The politician navigates and circumvents the law and rumors in much the same way as hackers do with networks and code.
When a headline catches the imagination of the public, the politician soon enters the room to calm the children down and to tell them what to make about it all, like a teacher or a parent figure. When the teachers and parents continually fail you, is it not time to become your own teacher and parent?