It's very tempting for me to sell it but I figure it's a nice investment for the next 5-10 years. Not sure what I'd do with the money anyway. Hell, one of my goals was to make enough cash to buy a scope like this anyway 
I ask again "how often are you going to need that sort of performance?" :->
I could afford a scope like that if I really wanted to (and I'd love to), but there is no way in hell I'd ever bring myself to spend my own money to get one! Because deep down I know I simply will never need the performance.
When I get something like this (and it's happened often actually), I always check out what I can get for it on ebay and then ask myself "If I had that amount of cash, would I hand it over to buy this exact thing?" If the answer is no, as it almost always is, then I sell it.
You have maybe $6000-$7000 easy in your pocket right now, would you seriously buy this same scope with that money?
I recon you could buy another scope almost as good for half the money you'd get for this one.
Kinda reminds me of the contestants on Deal or No Deal who have "won" $20000 and then risk it with 50/50 odds to gain maybe an extra $10000. If you walked up to them on the street and offered then the same gamble, they'd laugh in your face. But at the time their minds think that $20000 is "play" money when they are on the show. Crazy stuff!
I once had a top of the range Audio Precision Analyser in my home lab bit of kit, I loved it. But the value was simply too great to keep it, it was worth more than a new car.