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I just hate it when ____!

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Is there anything related to electronics that sometimes just gets to you and fills you with rage? Something pretty insignificant but that at the time it happens just gets to you? Share your frustrations!

I'll start:

I just hate it when I've soldered something to a board and it's fine but I suddenly decide I could make it look a bit prettier. Every time I do this, I end up making it look worse and possible ruining something else in the process. I seem to always melt some plastic on some connector or even worse, lift a pad! I just hate lifted pads, it completely ruins the fun in assembly. The weird thing is that I time after time fall for the temptation to try and fix something which looks suboptimal and every time, I manage to make it worse :)

I think i speak for everyone when i say...

Soldering a connector onto a cable then realizing ya forgot to put the casing over the wire first.


--- Quote from: Psi on October 23, 2011, 11:57:40 am ---I think i speak for everyone when i say...

Soldering a connector onto a cable then realizing ya forgot to put the casing over the wire first.

--- End quote ---
Oh crap! I knew there was something I forgot. I can't count how many times I've done this (same with heatshrink tubing). Even worse, I sometimes do this twice in a row. I solder the connector, realize my mistake, desolder, resolder only to find out I did it again!


--- Quote from: shadewind on October 23, 2011, 12:01:57 pm ---I solder the connector, realize my mistake, desolder, resolder only to find out I did it again!

--- End quote ---

heh yeah,

The most annoying thing is that the connectors never quite solder as nicely after the first attempt.
The first time you touch solder to a clean gold plated connector it flows perfectly and produces a nice looking join.

Hehehhee, so THAT is common. Nice to know. I just think "DOH!" and do it again :D.

What I hate....hmmm, bad documentation when you worj on sth. you had no experience in yet... Even worse when the support won't help you too.


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