I believe this forum poll has been run several times in the past, and the result has been that the majority didn't want an "off-topic" lounge.
But I think it's time to re-evaluate it.
The current forum rules enourage on-topic discussion, and whilst it's natural for topics to drift off-topic, when a thread gets reported for it, moderators generally need to step in.
If anything changes, this would of course remain the rule for the electronics forum in general.
The reasons for not having an off-topic section in the past have been that it would:
a) dominate the "unread posts since last visit" list and could potentially put off newbies who joins and just see a list of gun and religious debates at the top of the list.
b) potentially create greater animosity between users as a result of personal conflicts. Although the longer the forum has gone, the more I see this happens with on-topic posts anyway

I can now see potential value in an off-topic section for those that use the forum as a "home" so to speak, and naturally want to discuss other stuff with their friends in the one location. Rather than forcing them elsewhere to do that. This could of course be good for the forum in terms of greater engagement amoung users, but it could also backfire as per b) above.
As for a) above. If there was as off-topic section then it could be hidden from Newbies and Contributor, and only shows up to Regular Contributors with 50 posts or more. That's an easy option in the SMF forum software, just like the Supporters Lounge becomes visible once you hit 1000 posts. believe a forum poll has been run several times in the past, and the result has been that the majority didn't want an "off-topic" lounge. But I'm happy to run such a poll again if anyone thinks it's a good idea.
The reasons for not having an off-topic section have been that it would
a) dominate the "unread posts since last visit" list and could potentially put off newbies who joins and just see a list of gun and religious debates at the top of the list.
b) potentially create greater animosity between users as a result of conflicts. Although the longer the forum has gone, the more I see this happens with on-topic posts too.
I can now see potential value in an off-topic section for those that use the forum as a "home" so to speak, and naturally want to discuss other stuff they are interested in or are passionate about with their online friends in the one location. Rather than forcing them elsewhere to do that.
Heck, it might even make the forum a more community oriented space?

If there was as off-topic section then it could be hidden from
Newbies and
Contributor categories, and only shows up to
Regular Contributors with 50 posts or more.
My personal opinion is that such a category is not a good idea for Newbies at the very least.
Such a section could require it's own moderator to keep things in line, a trusted "local" who frequents the thread. I probably wouldn't hang out there myself, and it's likely the other current moderators wouldn't frequent it either. So would have to moderate based on report requests.
The No Personal Attacks rule would still be in force.
FYI, those who don't like it can always use the Ignore Topics thread and they'll never see notification from an off-topic section. This feature currently exists BTW for any section of the forum.
All comments appreciated. Thanks.