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Man trapped inside driverless car as it spins in circles

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Homer J Simpson:

Analog Kid:
Oh yeah, the bright shining future of total technological nirvana making every aspect of our lives ever so much more glorious and fulfilling ...

Still safer than jumping in a taxi or Uber in Sydney.

How about both?
Would a self driving taxi in Sydney spin in the opposite direction?


--- Quote from: Analog Kid on January 07, 2025, 11:56:02 pm ---Oh yeah, the bright shining future of total technological nirvana making every aspect of our lives ever so much more glorious and fulfilling ...
--- End quote ---

Sure as hell of a lot safer.

--- Quote ---Crash rate: Waymo Driver has a crash rate that's 85% lower than human drivers.

In 2023, there were 1,307 traffic fatalities in Arizona.
There were 122,247 car accidents, which is one accident every four minutes and 18 seconds.
54,198 people were injured in car accidents
4.71% of all crashes and 25.73% of fatal crashes involved alcohol

--- End quote ---


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