One may want to consider the 'PC' aspect and offer an alternative.
For example, up and coming engineers may want to wear one of these around the office or company function from time to time. If he or she expects any type of promotion in the eyes of current management and or HR types The slogan 'I only give NEGATIVE feedback' is a show stopper.
On the other hand an opamp osc with the slogan 'I only give POSITIVE feedback' may be just what tilts him or her over sharp edge with some advantage in their eyes. You may think this is ridiculous until you've spent five minutes with an HR type or sorry to say a know nothing mgr. I'm not suggesting ALL mgr's are duds but too many are to take a chance.
Dave, this could be a win win for you with TWO nice offerings.
Having spent 30 plus years in the engineering/business world with 70% in mgt I personally would have second thoughts in today's dog eat dog world wearing the NEGATIVE FB shirt around the office or at company events for fear that it could be a career killer. That said ( I really like the shirt and slogan ) on a personal level.
It would be a crime to see a talented EE either passed by or scolded by a senior 'Muggles aren't meant to get it!' as you say.