Author Topic: New Member, Please introduce yourself  (Read 1552218 times)

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Offline dongeo

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2750 on: September 05, 2020, 08:49:55 am »
Hello everyone! I'm Donald, from the UK, I've just got started with electronics, and I'm primarily interested in playing around with junk, and making things useful that others have thrown away.

So I've got a load of motors and things that I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with, but they sure do look cool when they're spinning.

Offline Ahura Mazda

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2751 on: September 23, 2020, 10:51:20 pm »
Hi. electronics student. Saying hi but also testing posting since it seems I'm unable to create new thread.

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2752 on: September 24, 2020, 12:02:45 am »
Hi. electronics student. Saying hi but also testing posting since it seems I'm unable to create new thread.

In each of the forum boards at the top is the New Topic button that you use to start a new thread.
Just be sure to start one in the correct forum section it's relevant to however for those that start new threads the Move Topic feature is available at the foot of the page.
Avid Rabid Hobbyist.
Some stuff seen @ Siglent HQ cannot be shared.

Offline Ahura Mazda

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2753 on: September 24, 2020, 12:35:30 am »
Hi. Thank you for replying.

I've tried that multiple times, but with no luck. By the way, I'm trying to post in "Repair" section.
I'm aware that on some forums, some sections are prohibited from posting on unless one has certain amount of comments. Since you are reading this, as well as my last text, I can post here, but not in "Repair" section. :(

On help page about posting these is the second line which says: "Note, however, that whether a user can post in a board or topic depends on each board's permissions, and a user's membergroup," which tells me I may indeed not post, yet I see no details.

When I try submitting the post, it just brings me to the same new thread page, but blank this time.

Thank you in advance.

Offline An_Onion

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2754 on: September 29, 2020, 11:00:59 pm »
I'm John from the US. I actually registered ages ago, and have learned a lot by reading stuff already here. I mostly mess with retro electronics but have also been known to diagnose and repair scientific hardware and whatnot for the college I work for. I've been messing with electronics since my original C=64 when I was a kid. My dad actually bought me a PC clone at some point that came as a bunch of chips I had to solder on to the board myself, which was an adventure as a 10-(ish)-year-old. I'm a chemist by training, but I'm working on expanding into the instrumentation side of things. I spent years doing everything with a multimeter and some creativity, but now that I've got a scope, I'm figuring out how to use it.

Offline Mr_Bean

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2755 on: September 30, 2020, 10:24:43 pm »
Hello from Canada. I graduated with an electrical engineering degree almost 10 years ago but have been working in the software field ever since. I recently flipped through an old textbook and it reignited my passion for electricity, which led me to discover the EEVblog Youtube channel, and I've been enjoying catching up on old videos. I'm looking to brush up on my knowledge and build some (yet to be decided) projects. Currently I own a half decent DC power supply so I'll be looking to purchase an oscilloscope soon and go from there.

Offline Renate

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2756 on: October 07, 2020, 01:50:34 pm »
Oops, just found this thread. (Do I get points for doing an intro with lots of posts already?)

I'm Renate from the US. I've worked in broadcast & software.
I've been doing hobby electronics for a while.
I remember when LEDs were new and you had to shade them with your hand to tell if they were on or off.

I love USB and build lots of gadgets: function generator, power monitor, volume knob, foot pedal, flash drive mux, keyboard injecter...
My RV is wired up with lots of automation using Modbus.
I love repair and only wish that I had more broken things to fix.

Offline johnsonlam

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2757 on: October 13, 2020, 02:22:49 am »
I'm Johnson, hobby is electronics (though not good), emulation and Hi-End audio. Feel good when I can repair some broken things, and glad to learn from Dave's video.

Offline elekorsi

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2758 on: October 13, 2020, 10:21:57 am »
Hi everyone, i am Blaz from Slovenia (yes that little one between the sea and the alps).
After finishing electronics high school i went to study mechatronics. Been in electronics since i was 12-13 years old and i don't even know how i got to it, as my father is mechanical engineer with 0 knowledge about electrics and electronics  :o  It has been few cold years for pure electronics, but lately i am getting back into it due to nature of my work (a lot of repairs).
Last job was in a bigger factory as a part of electronic/automation maintenance crew. After six years i decided to try with my own company and here i am now for three years.
I am now mostly dealing with electronic/electrical repair and maintenance on industrial machines from very different branches (for example: mining equipment, large construction equipment, steel industry, metal and wood working machines, etc.). Together with my colleagues we also do smaller automation projects, with me mostly being responsible for engineering, testing and starting up the projects.
Everyday something new and that is why i LOVE my job  :)

Offline 5618

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2759 on: October 16, 2020, 04:56:48 am »
Hi, I’m Kevin. After schooling in electronics, I got into industrial control systems. I get to component level occasionally but mostly I’m an end user of things designed by some of the fine people here. I finally joined to share pics of a few interesting meters. The clear 8060A in “Old Fluke Multimeters” is the most significant one. I’m not worthy of this one but I’m not completely unworthy. A few years ago I brought all my Fluke gear together for a family photo. Since then I’ve added an old 99 ScopeMeter with the cool three piece case, a 3000-FC kit, a CableIQ kit, and some smaller goodies.

Offline prophoss

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2760 on: October 21, 2020, 08:48:14 pm »
Hey y'all my name is Brian Cooper. I have been hanging out on the FPGA forum for a while. I am from Texas and I am currently going to school for a computer engineering degree. I am an older student and this will be my second career. My first career chose me. I had no college education and just needed to get going since I was married now. This time I chose what I wanted to do and am working hard at it. Well see y'all around.

Offline Ratti3

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2761 on: October 27, 2020, 07:29:36 pm »
Hi, I'm from Worthing UK. I've been doing electronics on and off for about 30 years (started at 10yo).
I've been lurking here for a while, looks like I will have a question I need to ask and hopefully someone can help.

Offline raybel

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2762 on: November 08, 2020, 03:54:27 am »
Hi My name is Ray I am a retired construction electrician I am a member of the IBEW of 75 years
I am also a Amateur radio operator extra class  my call sign is ai2b
since retirement I live in Lehigh Acres Florida ,Born in phila. penn. wwII vet age 92 I think that covers most of it
I've been playing in electronics since I was a kid
I just brought one of those hanteck scopes (DSO5102P) and was interested in up grading to 200mhz

Offline mascotte

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2763 on: November 09, 2020, 01:20:37 pm »
Hi all, my name is Felix. I'm German but have been living in the Netherlands for quite some years now. I have a degree in electronics and work in the space industry. Although my job is great, it's unfortunately not very much hands-on and therefore I'm tinkering with a lot of projects at home. I love FPGAs and all kind of digital electronics but I also wanna get back to analog stuff.

This is a great forum, I read many posts as a guest and thought it's time to join and contribute!

Offline Jonathon_Doran

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2764 on: November 09, 2020, 08:17:02 pm »
Hi everyone.  My name is Jonathon, and I am a CS professor at the University of North Texas.  I've worked in industry for over 30 years before entering academia.

I have puttered around with electronics most of my life, but professionally was on the programming side.  I prefer working with low level stuff (firmware, board support packages, drivers), but I do application stuff when the need arises.

I worked for National Semiconductor for several years, and they would not give me an employee discount on op-amps!  Managers thought that was the stupidest idea ever.  And given the cost of the things, they may have had a point.    I worked on the Geode processors, and it was pretty neat having our own fab.  About once a week someone would come around to all of the offices with a big box of processors.  Our site did CPU design and motherboard design.  My job was to get the things to boot Windows and Linux.

My undergraduate CS work was at the University of Colorado, which was excellent.  We did the engineering core (because we were in the Engineering college), and there was a good chunk of EE in there too.

One thing I remember to this day was an assignment on oscillators.  We were given a circuit and told to simulate it, and then build/demo the real thing.  The simulation was a piece of cake, but the real circuit would not work.  We poked and prodded at that thing for a week without success.  I remember it was 3AM the night before the 8AM lab when this was due when we threw in the towel and decided to get some sleep.  8AM rolls around and we are the first group in the lab.  The lab assistant comes over to us and asks how things are going.  Awful.  Oh well, write up what you have.  We have a big lot of nothing to show, so one of us took out a piece of paper and scrawled "It doesn't fucking work" on it.  We signed it and turned it in.  Give us our zero and let us forget this...   The lab assistant looks at this and asked what we tried.  Everything.  But the simulation worked flawlessly.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the point of the assignment.  We got an A.  There might have been some violence but we were too exhausted to care.

Another fun story from the EE dept:  We were given some new A/D board to experiment with.  There was little documentation, but what was there said to never do "X".  Fair enough.  But the board wouldn't do something we needed, and again we poked at it for almost a week.  It turns out that the graduate assistants had the boards for a few weeks before us and came up empty.  The professor was now poking at it, but schedules being what they were the entire class is now assigned to work with the board.  Our little group gets frustrated, and someone (not me) suggested we try "X".  What is the worst that can happen?  The board catches on fire?  The magic smoke escapes?  We decided that the board deserved its fate and gave it a go.  The board worked!  So we were one of two groups who turned in a working solution, when everyone else failed.  We got at A, and the professor made the assignment extra credit since they weren't ready at the start.  Fine with us.  One whole lab of extra credit!  A few weeks later the assignment was once again given, with new instructions.  We took our previous lab report, crossed out the date, put the new date on, and turned it in (with the previous grade still on it).  Then we took the week off.
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Offline mkalte

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2765 on: November 10, 2020, 08:46:54 pm »

My name is Malte Kießling and i am a hobbyist from Germany.

I worked as a C/C++ software developer.
However right now i am apprenticing in the event industry (***** me, i guess... Should have finished uni). 

I have a high interest in space tech and rocketry, so i have moved myself into the local rocket club where we are doing all kinds of more or less insane projects :)

Anyway, i never know what to write in these introductions, but tradition is tradition :D
Have a nice day!

Offline canismajoris

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2766 on: November 10, 2020, 09:09:21 pm »
Hi everyone from the country of baguette! >:D

My name is Timuçin, I am French and I have been working as an electronics engineer for 4 years now.
I just found out about the EEVblog YouTube channel a week or so ago and it brought back my interest in electronics (that had been quite tamed through not-so-interesting projects I had to work on...).

I am quite fond of guitar and music in general... I thank tubes amps and effects pedals for sparking this very interest in electronics!

So here I am to learn some more, to get advice from everyone and hopefully help in return if I can!

Have a nice day everyone!

Offline Alteregoxxx

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2767 on: November 13, 2020, 03:01:14 pm »
Hi everyone, my name is Gaetano and I'm from Italy

I'm an electronic engineer, currently working in the R&D department of an italian company that is involved in various fields (automotive, software etc etc)

I love designing audio stuff electronic (sound engineer and musician for a good part of my life!), programming, photography, wine, good food and a lot of other (too many for the sake of truth) things  ;D

Have a nice day!

Offline ve1nhb

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2768 on: November 14, 2020, 03:05:35 pm »
Hi, I am Nelson from Canada.

I was into electronics when I was younger but switched to computers. Trying to get back into it.
I am a  Ham, got my Full license 30 years ago to play with RF electronics and stuff.

Hope with this, I will not be a ZeroPoster now.

Nelson from the far eastern Island of Cape Breton.

Offline djerickson

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Hi from Dave Erickson
« Reply #2769 on: November 19, 2020, 12:50:23 pm »
Dave Erickson here, from the North Shore of MA. I recently retired from a lifelong EE career with many Route 128 tech companies. I love designing stuff for lab, home and boat, and look forward to many more projects now that I no longer have a day job or corporate allegiance. I am a strong analog guy with enough digital, firmware, and mechanical to make things work. Design review and troubleshooting are my specialties. An active electronics hobbyist since the 60's.
Check out my designs and nerd blogs at

For a score of companies, I designed medical equipment, AC and DC instrumentation, lots of electro-optics, video, graphics, image processing, lots of sensors and actuators, power electronics, audio, music synthesizers, ultrasound, marine electronics, data converters, FPGAs, CPUs, motion control, many test systems, Semiconductor ATE, communications, you name it. I designed products for large companies: HP Medical, Corometrics, Dymo, BASF, Analogic (5y), Zoll, Teradyne, and for startups: Octek, Datacube (16y), Clarendon Photonics, Cambrius, Luminus, STH, Galaxy, and most recently Infraredx (12y).

Hope to share my existing and new projects with you all. This is an exciting blog and I am glad to be taking a more active role in it and sharing my expertise. Hope I can help you and learn from you.

Dave Erickson

Offline ildar

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2770 on: December 02, 2020, 03:39:46 pm »
Всем привет. Меня зовут Илдар. Я из Узбекистана.Работал наладчиком контрольно-измерительных приборов. Сейчас осваиваю NEODEN4. Я новичок в этом. надеюсь на помощь форума.

Offline shig

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2771 on: December 04, 2020, 10:55:23 pm »
OOps. I didn't see this thread until now. Oh well, I'm still new. Hi, I'm in the U.S. (Colorado). Never really had much interest in electronics until earlier this year when I my neighbors gave me some PC monitors from estate sales that I really wanted but that all had the same issue. I looked into the problem, and it turns out it was a pretty simple fix. I went to an electronics store that I had been to before. A gigantic place that has been there for 30+ years. I bought capacitors and fixed all 3 monitors. I then started gathering up free LCD tvs with cracked screens from craigslist and facebook marketoplace and taking out the boards to take the capacitors and resistors out of, then started selling the boards that were worth selling. Anyway, I got the urge to learn more. The giant store I spoke of decided to close its doors back in August. They liquidated everything. I was in there every day for a week and ended up on the cleanup/ clear out crew. I bought TONS of stuff at super cheap prices. Some I plan to use someday, but most of it I am selling. I have sold quite a bit locally and on ebay and another site. I'm really enjoying this site. It's an amazing place to learn (and get quite intimidated as well haha).  I feel like every time I feel I've learned something big and new, there's something right around the corner waiting to kick me and throw 500 more topics and facts in my face. Definitely So, I'm learning, and meeting people and making some money at it as I go. Guess I can't complain. I suppose I'll get to the for sale section soon with some of this excess I have. Look forweard to meeting a bunch of you!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2020, 12:16:15 pm by shig »

Offline rallen

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2772 on: December 07, 2020, 08:52:57 am »
Hey all, my name is Ray and I'm in my final year of electrical engineering at UBC in Vancouver, Canada!

Most of my interest is in power electronics for EVs and renewables. I've spent the past few years on UBC Formula Electric, a student design team that creates cars to compete in FSAE Formula Electric competitions. I've also built my own electric skateboard and e-bike.

As my final year project, I'm part of a group of students basically making a competitor to the OpenScope. A reminder that Dave handily roasted the OpenScope in #1056. Hopefully our project avoids a lot of the shortcomings of the OpenScope and might get adopted by UBC as part of it's 2nd year lab kit for electrical engineering students.

Fun fact: I'm also a licensed pilot and glider flight instructor!

Anyways I look forward to building my practical engineering skills and learning about how things are done in industry. I feel like this forum has a lot of knowledge when it comes to these kind of things. Hope to see you all around!

Offline Ivy-Jane

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2773 on: December 09, 2020, 05:36:05 am »
Greetings, I'm Ivy,

I used to be an electronics tech, and contracted with Motorola back years ago running bodge wires for a few thousand radios for the CFA and DNRE.

Ended up in IT eventually and getting back into electronics. Recently rewired some simple passive circuits for my guitars, which is always fun.

And arguing on guitar forums that most poly caps are the same, and those "orange drops" that you're buying from guitar sites for $10 or more can be found cheaply via other means.

But then guitarists often believe in a lot of woo so I probably should stop.

anyway I think I'll enjoy this forum.

Offline ManiTo

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2774 on: December 09, 2020, 11:30:14 am »

My name is Mani and i'm a retired electronics engineer. i used to be a amateuer radio operator but this is really ages ago.
i worked as an electronics design engineer designing robotic controls.
just purchased a siglent 2104X Plus scope, and enjoying it so far :)
Nice forum here, thank you all!


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