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New Member, Please introduce yourself

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Hi! I'm George, 58. I've been in hardware and software a long time. An unfinished EE, a BSCS+telecom, and various certs.

I was in amateur radio until 2018. My neighbor got started because of me, and now leads the local club, and is pressuring me to get back into it.

I've been at my current job for 20 years at a Point-Of-Sale manufacturer... Developing firmware and BIOS, drivers, and debugging our hardware designs... Writing diagnostic and utility apps, originally in DOS but now in UEFI.

I found the EEVblog forum when I wondered whether I could do anything about calibrating my ZT-102 multimeter. Modding ensued... :) I started buying more cheap DMMs with higher counts from overseas, just to see how well they behaved when modded and/or calibrated. Of course, then I had to buy some accurate benchtop meters and some calibration sources... I think I have the beginnings of TE addiction.


I am new here. I want tosay hello to everybody. My name is Zbigniew, that is very popular Polish name (see Zbigniew Brzezinski). I was born in Poland, but for last 40 years I am living in the US. I am EE  from AGH in Krakow. Recently retired. I read this blog for some time but recently I will need to ask some questions about my new Siglent SDS1104X-E which I bought as a replacement for my Tektronix 2236A lost in the house fire.


--- Quote from: Zbyszek on October 01, 2023, 02:36:44 am ---Hello,

I am new here. I want tosay hello to everybody. My name is Zbigniew, that is very popular Polish name (see Zbigniew Brzezinski). I was born in Poland, but for last 40 years I am living in the US. I am EE  from AGH in Krakow. Recently retired. I read this blog for some time but recently I will need to ask some questions about my new Siglent SDS1104X-E which I bought as a replacement for my Tektronix 2236A lost in the house fire.

--- End quote ---
Welcome to the forum.

Ask away here:

Hello from TX. I came in search of exciting electronics literature and discussions on any topic  :popcorn:

Hello guys. My name is Anna and I am very happy to be a part of such community!


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