hello i am a new member to forums
live in Oz, QLD - the state Dave wished he lived
i am old, been watching Davids videos for a while, before he was a 'professional' tuber
if i was to do it all again i would have got an EE degree as it has always been a passion, but civil then mining made bill paying easier.
i now have a lot of time on my hands and have interests that have been dormant while life got in the way...wife, kids etc.
pre-children i was making robots, i still have them, some hexapods some humanoid, and my failing memory tells me i was getting to grips with inverse kinematics and getting my creations to look 'life like'.
this was 20+ years ago, so there's that.
i now have to get through some initial GAS, well not the GAS itself, it is the explanations, mis-remembering of costs, disapproving looks and cry's of
is this even for, and the fairy tales i come up with on the spot to explain it all away. lol if nothing else will take me back to earlier days of marriage.
i will say, my budget - which if anyone asks is a couple of hundred dollars - will go waaaay further with test equipment today than the last time i looked, this is wickedly exciting.
i have soldering station - old but Goot made reasonable stuff when i purchased it, and it still works a treat and does not need an upgrade yet.
DMM -i snagged a Fluke 115 on a special and i have some cheaper ones also
but what excites me the most is the state of scopes now. wow, just wow. i will spend less than i had budgeted and will get a scope waaay better than i ever dreamed of owning...ever.
i have come to a decision on that - Rigol DHO914, for about $850 ozzie didgeridoos, and from what i understand from Daves videos i should be able to turn it into a 924 and get 250MHz/4 channel.
is it because i have not had my head in this space for a while that a 4channel scope @250MHz for that money seems crazy. it does to me, and from what i see and read Rigol are pretty good scopes for the money but 4channel 250, even 125MHz seems stupid cheap to me, oh did i mention i am old? maybe that has something to do with it.
anyway, outside of robots i like vacuum tubes. so anything requiring those will be on my bench. somewhere i have a couple of boxes of NIB nixie tubes i got from russia some years back, so i see clocks in my future.
outside of maybe a few questions i may have when i hotrod my scope, i generally just lurk, so nice meeting you