i'm building one! the non solid state one, as it is not established yet.

listen carefully!
Solid State Orbo is the latest physical implementation of the Orbo technology platform. Solid State has numerous advantages over previous implementations. The fact that the Solid State version has no moving parts lowers the costs and reduces the time-frame for developers wishing to replicate the core effect.
Testing is greatly simplified too; the only test equipment required is a simple digital oscilloscope. Solid State Orbo gains energy via control of a material's inductance and domain rotation. As with all previous implementations of Orbo, these material permeability effects are fundamental to the production of an energy gain.
Solid State Orbo is in the early stages of development, rapid progress is being made with regards to optimisation. For this reason, it forms the basis of the Steorn Knowledge Development Base.
so guess we still in testing stage... (trial and error) i think.