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Our Electronics Lab / Workshop.. Pics, ideas & layouts

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--- Quote from: Wayneo on August 07, 2010, 04:37:50 am ---
--- Quote from: Zyvek on August 07, 2010, 04:13:18 am ---I'm wondering if anyone uses the Xcelite handles and blades anymore? They were convenient to have in my tool bag because of the space saving, but on the bench I think I'd rather be able to grab the driver I need without having to switch inserts.  Not that saving space on the bench would be a bad thing either.

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I have one of these tools made by Kamasa and I use it everyday I rate it 10/10!

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Thanks, actually since that one comes with a nice bit holder it looks much more practical for bench use. You still have to change bits all the time but it looks very easy to grab the right one. Nice


--- Quote from: abbtech on August 07, 2010, 07:37:59 am ---Nice room! I think you are the one who made the tupperware stock jump. :) Is that a super wide laptop? Or is that just the lens making it look supersized?

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A bit of both actually, the smaller laptop on the right is an old Dell D600, 15.4" normal sized, the one on the left is a Dell M90 "workstation" with a widescreen 17" display.  It's a beast, I didn't really pick it myself, one of my team members offered to order me a replacement laptop for and and asked if I wanted to super high performance model. Of course I said "Sure", I think he had an idea that it would be so big and heavy I'd regret it every time I picked it up! Sometimes when I work from home I work down in the Lab, and the D600 is dedicated to the lab - mostly because it has a parallel & serial port.

I'm a sucker for the plastic bins, it somehow magically disguises my clutter as organized. Until you look inside the bin!


--- Quote from: DJPhil on August 07, 2010, 07:58:00 am ---Ok, I'm horrible with a camera and it's dark here, but I tried.

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I see nice a Tektronix scope there.


--- Quote from: cybergibbons on August 07, 2010, 04:40:57 pm ---DJPhil - you have a Carl Jung action figure?

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--- Quote from: cybergibbons on August 07, 2010, 04:40:57 pm ---DJPhil - you have a Carl Jung action figure?

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Haha, yes I do. A birthday present from my brother (I think it was my 26th). He finds all sorts of strange stuff.


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