Finding new places she shouldn't be.
The lack of a cardboard box with your old T-shirt/towel as a blanket is self-evident, therefore the second-best place under the light-warmth source must do.
She began rejecting all provided beds when she was about 6 month old, won't go near them anymore. Tried 3, not sure why she no longer likes them.
However, her usual perch when she comes to visit in on the Wifi router... for heat. In summer she watches cat TV out the window.
In the photo however she is in, "What can I do that will distract and piss him off enough he addresses MY concerns and feeds me/lets me out/obeys my every whim?"
We have already mentioned the plucking carpet issues. Well, we have allowed her other ways to get her message across which are less destructive. Climbing around the office in places she knows she isn't meant to be is one of them. Playing with sweety wrappers or discarded cardboard beside the bin is another. At least it's much more seldom the carpet now. Figured she is fine tuning my response between anger, attention and the required obedience.
I know when I'm being trained.
EDIT: She 'does' use the provided heated (11W heater) mat I switch dusk till dawn for her in the bedroom, in her own little "cosy" between teh laundry baskets.