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Post a picture of a cat!

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Nominal Animal:
Owning a cat is exactly like owning land: it is just a contract thing between humans.  When real and actual, the "ownership" is actually in the opposite direction: it is the land, or the cat, that owns you.

A cat touching a plasma ball


Wallace Gasiewicz:
Quote from: Nominal Animal on October 27, 2024, 04:53:30 pm
Owning a cat is exactly like owning land: it is just a contract thing between humans.  When real and actual, the "ownership" is actually in the opposite direction: it is the land, or the cat, that owns you.

Cats do not have owners, they have "STAFF."

--- End quote ---

Analog Kid:
My beloved Oscar, a big ol' Bombay Black (but look at how tawny bronze he was!). Lived to 20. Rat catcher and eater. Amazing creature.

Looks like he can take care of business alright.  :-+


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