I'm interested in all of your stories and technical posts.
Would contribute to a patreon or something like that if it helps.
There's more to the story of the XM-21 if interested (read reply and follow ups), and more around this some of which still can't be disclosed.
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/thermal-imaging/germanium-or-znse-lens-for-diy-hobbiyist-projects/msg3524760/#msg3524760Surviving the point blank nuclear detonation proved difficult and tripled/quadrupled the instrument cost, at the time a totally ridiculous requirement IMO. The blast wavefront travels at the speed of sound and is a high density wavefront of very high temperature. To test for surviving this wavefront a special test chamber was utilized where fine Aluminum "dust" in a hopper is opened into a high velocity "Impulse" gas stream at ~1300kph impinging upon the instrument. The stream "Impulse" is oxygen, and just in front of the DUT Instrument the fine Aluminum dust is ignited by a large spark plug like device. This causes the aluminum dust to flash like a giant flashbulb from an old film camera.
During an early test the tripod back leg folded due to the pressure wavefront allowing the release latch to release the head which held the instrument, this propelled the instrument into the chamber side wall at ~1000kph shattering it into tiny pieces, requiring a new tripod design!!
The resulting test effects were all the paint from the instrument front was burnt off, and the needle in the analog voltmeter (used for external power assessment and had a Red, Yellow and Green area for power judgment) had curled up like a moth proboscis, but otherwise the instrument survived (using new tripod design).
The EMP from a detonation is just like a direct lightning strike and the usual electrical protection means applied (Transorbs, Gas Discharge and so on), however the ionizing radiation from the blast required sensing such and protecting the semiconductors. Sensing was done with 3 axis large PN junction areas wired OR to high current/power SCRs which "Crow Bar" (short circuit to ground) all the Power Supply outputs. The general idea was to remove the Power Supply Energy Sources that would damage the circuit semiconductors since all the PN junctions become heavily forward biased due to the ionization photons. Testing for this was a special remote building/chamber which housed a large Flash X-Ray generator which could emulate the massive ionization photon flux from a nuclear blast.
Anyway, those were a few of the challenges faced when developing the XM-21 which was considered "Impossible" at the time, the Presidential Science Advisor thought so (another story briefly mentioned in the link above).