some short ideas to the mod:
- building this board costs under 150$
- the 8 pin chip on the board is a flash chip that maybee enables the logic analyzer functions in the firmware
- firmware that running on 1052E and 1052D are neareby the same with some E switched to D, firmware files are zipped, from there comes the big difference
- both, LA board and main board have jtag connectors, put the board together and use the software from here
http://nsa.unaligned.org/jrev.php to get the connections from fpga to mainboard
- ISSI chip unfortunatly has only in the BGA version jtag, so the connections must meassured manual
- some additional manual meassurement and we have the schematic of the board and can layout our own
some quetions to the mod:
- in the probe-box that you connect to the scope, are there any electronic parts ?
- has anyone used the jtag connectors on the 2 boards with success ?
- who has one of these boards an can try out jtag-things on it ?
- how we read out the 8 pin chip ?