Hi, I'm trying to get some small pcbs made to use as ID style dogtags for a computer gaming event. (28mm x 50mm)
They won't have any components on them, just text for the event name and stuff plus one drill hole for the neck strap thing.
I'm going to get the boards done with black soldermask and electroless nickle/gold immersion because I want gold text on black background.
If anyone can help me with the following questions i have, that would be great...
What pcb layer do I want to put the text on so it gets gold plated?
If I understand the layer names correctly then text on the "Top Solder" layer should come back gold plated, is that correct?
There is also a "Top Paste" layer. Most surface mount pads seem to exist on both solder and paste layers. Do I need to have two copies of my text one for each layer (solder and paste) or just on the solder layer?
I suspect the “Top Paste” layer is only used for making the SMT stencil and not the pcb itself, so can be ignored when just getting a pcb made. Is that correct?
Also, does anyone know if the pcbcart.com online quote system calculates gold immersion correctly. It seems really cheap, only 2.7% more per board, $1.81/board vs $1.76/board for just hot air levelling.
Any other recommendations or comments about common mistakes are welcome. Since i'm using pcb's for something other than making circuits I want to make sure I get this right before I send the gerbers/ncdrill away.
I'm using altium designer to make the pcb