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Should Dave move into a bigger lab?
As the title says, a lab move into bigger dedicated premises is being seriously considered at the moment.
I'm aware that some love the garage feel though.
So should I just deal with the space problem and SWMBO, and save the money?
Or move to a dedicated space that could potentially provide more opportunity and solve the SWMBO problem once and for all?
Comments invited!
Is there really not enough room to expand in your existing house? Buying a new house just to get a bigger lab sounds like overkill.
A bigger lab means bigger pressure to produce more videos, bigger productions, higher production values, and less time with your family. Sounds insane to me. Make due with what you have or build another dedicated building on your property to accommodate the bigger ideas. Family comes first and adding the extra cost and stress to your life will have a big impact on your time with your family. You only get one chance with them, take them over anything else.
Uncle Vernon:
--- Quote from: NiHaoMike on September 03, 2011, 04:18:00 am ---Buying a new house just to get a bigger lab sounds like overkill.
--- End quote ---
It does? Priorities man, priorities! life isn't about perpetually doing without.
If you just move to a bigger lab you won't be able to jump up in the middle of the night with your crazy ideas.
Unless you keep the old lab as well.
Plus you'll be away from the house again, just like work.
How do you both feel about that?
If it were me I'd be looking for a big old place beyond the suburbs, an old farm or something.
But you have to be the type I guess.
Plenty of room to muck about though. ;)
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