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Software defined radio

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Does anyone have any experience with these?
I'm looking for a kit to start off with, something less than 200 bux (Hopefully transciever)?

All the ones i checked were pretty expensive or the project dosent exist anymore.

Maybe dave should do an episode on it hhmmmmmm?

yes i know bits but a very kewl girl who knows much more


--- Quote from: Sionyn on July 19, 2011, 11:32:49 am ---yes i know bits but a very kewl girl who knows much more

--- End quote ---

WoW thats a mad find, cheers.

I found this
But the hardware for that is well over 500bux :-\

If want seriously hobby normal DX or Utility stations:

Imho SDR-IQ is guite good.

But if want nearly as state of art (in serious hobby class) receiver then

This beats most of available other SWR's.

Both of these are not very cheap, but they are not toys. Specially Perseus is amazing good if look specs and if also looks others than manufacturer tests. 

Of course there are military machines and then some  like really for high level professionals High-End receivers or tranceivers but many peoples want more buy good nice house than only one radio. ;)


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