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Software engineering equivalent of EEVBlog

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Any recommendations for a software equivalent version of EEVBlog?  I would to follow a software expert and hear his/her opinions on new software technology (or all things software), the same way Dave does it for electronics.

Utube is full of videos on various aspects of software development. Just search for any topic and there will be a video on it somewhere.


Yeah, and there are forums too.  But it's just different without some enthusiast like Dave to give some commentary on it.

Software is not the same as hardware.  You could probably never have an equally successful blog over software.  For starters there is no need to ever video tape anything.  Its all just words and characters.

Yup, I guess I'll stick with forums and newsgroups.

But actually, people like Steve Gibson (Security Now podcast) who talks and describes assembly language, encryption algorithm, cryptography, PDP-8 language, etc really gets me excited over those areas.  So, to me, having a person there talking about it really helps, and I believe it will ignite the younger audience's interest as well.

Not necessarily have to be programming ... perhaps algorithms, optimizations, etc.

Video is just not the same as webpages/forums.


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