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Some Swiss wants to ban M$ PowerPoint software!

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Some Swiss wants to form a political party to pass a law banning Micro$oft PowerPoint because it distracts both the audience and speaker!

I have sat through many PowerPoint presentation and I concur with their sentiment! How many have you seen where the slides went backwards or jumped ahead prematurely?

Back when DOS computers and Apple II computers were modern, people said computers would harm our ability to learn to spell. Luddites have always told us technology is the problem and they always will ... C

PowerPoint is not the enemy. Bad PowerPoint is.  And Lord knows, there are a lot of badly conceived, executed and delivered PowerPoint presentations out there. Its not the software's fault, though. Its just that an untalented/unskilled presenter cannot have his/her deficiencies compensated for by PP slides.

If people aren't allowed to use MS PowerPoint can they use Impress or Apple Keynote?

And yeah how will the law be framed to ban any such software, by name or by application - define application in that case?

So if the ban is by name then what will M$ call PowerPoint in Switzerland? HelveticaHell?

I agree that bad presentation is not necessarily down to PowerPoint but the style used in the frames are so cliched these days, oh when will someone use a different colour gradation than blue?!


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