Hello, everyone.
I'm sure everyone has been excitely waiting the end of the year for news of the third edition (
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3473.0) So, I've taken it upon myself to ask for an update and surprise I got a response christmas morning. So, here's a christmas present for the electronics community
I asked "I was wondering if there's an update to when you think the 3rd edition might be out? "
And the response I got was as follows:
We're getting closer. For example, we broke the
old 80-page precision and low-noise Chapter 7 into
two, both greatly-expanded with massive cool stuff.
We submitted Chapter 5, Precision Circuits, last
summer, and it was 135 pages long. This week
we're finishing Chapter 8, Low-Noise Techniques,
and we expect it to be about 130 pages. So that's
about 3x more great material, on just those two
topics! We expect y'all will love it.
In January we'll submit chapter 9, Power Design -
it's almost done now, and then we'll have submitted
15 chapters, leaving five more "x" chapters to go.
I think I mentioned the x chapters, with their extra,
more-advanced material, so we certainly don't want
to short-change them! Anyway, three of those are
more than half done, and we hope to have submitted
everything by next summer.
That means the book should be out by late 2012 or
early 2013.
- Win
Winfield Hill
Rowland Institute at Harvard
100 Edwin Land Blvd
Cambridge, MA 02142
Happy Christmas everyone!