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The Future of Aerospace and Military Spec ICs/Components...
Hi all,
I am currently working on a project that requires military spec parts so began the usual design "merry-go-round" looking for a Mil spec microcontroller. I found ONE.
Every single manufacturer I went to had very, very little military parts full stop. I am aware of this COTS (Commercial off the shelf parts) initiative that seems to be the latest buzz word but this is no use if you require a -55/+125 deg c part for a design. Something has to change in the future or I can't see how any designs can ever go ahead.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious?!
You may find that you need SC (security clearance) before you are allowed access to them or, alternatively, be on an official govt / mil contract, with an appropriate contract number. This may be needed to prevent someone coming in and just depleting the stocks by buying them up.
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