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Thunderf00t has lost last of his marbles and remaining bits of credibility

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Many members still watch Thunderf00t and even respect him as reasonable sceptic, but it seems he has lost last of his marbles after suffering chronic Musk derangement syndrome for years. If you didn't know, Starlink is satellite internet owned by Musk's SpaceX, somehow it must have stolen US election  :o :scared:. He posted unhinged political videos and many posts on X lately, but this batshit crazy level cringe tops it all:

TF will need to explain how encrypted transmissions - everything over the modern Internet is encrypted, including email - were intercepted by Musk.  Because if Musk has secretly broken ECDSA or even RSA encryption, he is not a billionaire but a trillionaire just because of the shear amount of theft possible from such a fundamental exploit.

It is interesting how some clearly sensible-appearing and pretty intelligent (at least definitely not stupid) people fall for some of the stupidest tinfoil hat stuff and extreme black&white thinking, hate, and identity politics (us vs. them) , and it's like a spiral which leads deeper and deeper in that shit.

I mean, I understand how mediocre talented "no one"s fall for such expression, it's easy to adopt something from the media and recite that in fear of not being accepted, but I don't think people like Thunderf00t have to do that to stay relevant.

To me none of Thunderf00t's videos made any sense. Most of his 'technical' claims are easely identified as opinionated nonsense and hyperbool. So this doesn't surprise me.

Well, yes, he's always been pretty opinionated and with a clear obsession with Musk, but I wouldn't have called his videos about other topics nonsense either.
At least, obssessed as he is against Musk, he still uses X and posts political content accusing him and the posts remain, being an ironical use of the relative freedom of expression on X that Musk's opponents have been fighting with a vengeance.

But beyond the politics and his obsession, the really aggravating point here is IMO someone claiming to be a "scientific debunker" and relaying dubious information with zero evidence to back it up. Yes, that instantly kills all credibility, whatever the topic actually is.


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