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tinning PCB's

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Well like many people probably do I got some of that tinning powder you mix with water and put your pcb into to tin it.

However I was thinking there might be another method. what about putting solder paste on the track of the PCB and then using a hot air gun to heat it ? would it work ? what exactly is solder paste, I work for a radiator manufacturer and they guy has a solder paste (solder + flux) that they paint onto stuff to tin it and get it ready for soldering together, same stuff maybe ?

I just spread solder on it with an iron. If there are too many fine tracks to do this quickly (long <20mil data buses), I just do the pads and forget the tracks. Flux right before soldering helps. I'm thinking, however, of getting into electrochemical tinning after chemical treatments in order to do my own vias. Appears to require some intense, multi-step chemical treatment to get it to stick to drill bit glass transitioned FR-4 (bit melts and smoothes holes), but it doesn't seem too bad. Anything to keep it in my garage ;)

I used to use tinning solution a long time ago but don't bother these days - the stuff is expensive and solution doesn't last long. 
I just leave a coat of flux on to prevent the copper oxidising.


--- Quote from: Simon on January 07, 2011, 07:40:45 am ---Well like many people probably do I got some of that tinning powder you mix with water and put your pcb into to tin it.

However I was thinking there might be another method. what about putting solder paste on the track of the PCB and then using a hot air gun to heat it ? would it work ? what exactly is solder paste, I work for a radiator manufacturer and they guy has a solder paste (solder + flux) that they paint onto stuff to tin it and get it ready for soldering together, same stuff maybe ?

--- End quote ---

Yeouch, I'm thinking that stuff would corrosive as all hell - we call it Bakers Flux - but it's used by plumbers, not technicians.


Maybe you could get one of these

Fill it with solder then just spoon it onto the pcb and let it run back off into the pot?

I have no idea how well it would work though, i just noticed those solder pots on DX a few days ago.

You'd want a ceramic spoon though i think, to stop the solder sticking to it or burning you by heating up the spoon.

They happen to have the correct plug for AU/NZ which is nice. (well, nice if your in AU/NZ  :P )


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