Another option is the LT317K, LT317AK. I dumpster dived some new LT338AK from work, if you're in a pickle (jar) let me know. But these have much greater output current.
Many smaller Taiwan and china semi manufacturers are using the classic part number but selling you a "cost improved" redesigned part.
Example I got comparators slow as molasses 10usec switching times and at first thought I got ripped off. Then, digging a bit:
Unisonic LMV331 is 12usec
TI LMV331 is 0.6usec, ST is 0.375usec, On-Semi 1.5usec
I complained to the vendor and they replied "we are just broker". Lesson learned.
I find Digi-Key uses their fine reputation to pimp for these unknown semi manufacturers, and the marketplace vendors as well. Not sure what loser MBA came up with this strategy.
It does piss me off, side loading disreputable vendors - for what exactly? They think they are a fulfillment center or something.