Narrow (maybe 1mm or so) strip of kitchen foil mounted to a transformer soldering iron. I guess the current has to be several amps because I tried shorting out a NiMH cell with a similar strip and it didn't glow.
Admittedly, my iron has built-in power adjustment (triac dimmer?) and I had to tweak it a little to get it to glow continuously without fusing. BTW, for this kind of stuff constant voltage is better than constant current, because metals typically have positive TCR so the former decreases power dissipation at high temperature while the latter increases it.
And it's not glowing white, that's just limited dynamic range of the camera. It really is orange to the naked eye.
Not sure what happens here, but if it melts, it stays in its original shape surprisingly well. At any rate, I think we can safely say that aluminium conductor glows before it fuses