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Server Error Reports

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--- Quote from: gnif on October 11, 2023, 01:34:36 pm ---Can you please give me an example?

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Thanks, might be just a path issue here. Investigating

Edit: Yup, it's working fine now.

Is the fact the forum's mobile theme isn't working at present related to the work done earlier today?

All the mobile theme's CSS and image files are returning with 404 and 502 errors at present, which greatly delays the page rendering, and leaves it unusably un-styled when it does.


--- Quote from: HwAoRrDk on October 11, 2023, 07:14:29 pm ---Is the fact the forum's mobile theme isn't working at present related to the work done earlier today?

All the mobile theme's CSS and image files are returning with 404 and 502 errors at present, which greatly delays the page rendering, and leaves it unusably un-styled when it does.

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Concure  :(

Thanks for the report, I will look into it


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