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What about Lenoxx in Australia ?


I own one Lenoxx E3000 , it is an car audio booster equalizer, probably very old model.
I had it here collecting dust, I was had saved from getting trashed before few years.

Today I just Google about the brand and found to be Australian.
I am familiar about lots of brands that are protagonists on car audio systems, but never seen Lenoxx before.

Is it any exotic brand ?

I did send them one email requesting the specifications of my EQ Booster,
and so very soon I will find out how active they are.

I will post a picture as soon I will have clean it  a bit.  ;)

Well I don't know about the past, but currently they make crappy cheap consumer electronics. I had a Lenoxx digital DVB-T tuner box and it was cheaply made and died withina few years.

Hmm after several days I got nothing as reply from them.

They look dead as a wooden stick.
Be aware and avoid them.  ;)


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