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What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!

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Muttley Snickers:

--- Quote from: tautech on June 21, 2024, 09:13:51 am ---Hopefully with a proper watch you will see when it's dinner time in NZ instead of trying to call me.  :horse:

--- End quote ---
I did you a favour by calling at that time, man cannot survive on frozen boot screens alone.   ::)

Last week the cardiologist said I may not have much time, so I went and bought more watches to prove him wrong again.   ;D 

Didn't buy it and it's not from today but this is a 3D SMD Flipper I am using for some time with great success.

To flip the components you tap it gently on the table and let probability work for you.


Bought this week -- 3 off HPAK 3458As. I needed one to test a stock of spare parts I recently purchased but the seller had three & it seemed like a good idea at the time. These had not been used for a while, so will need careful testing to be sure these are working. One has  problems so will also need fixing. I did want a summer project.


After a 6 hour trip, I returned home with a very nice (DIY) Pass Aleph X. Will join a XONO.


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