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What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
--- Quote from: shakalnokturn on June 25, 2024, 10:25:51 pm ---
--- Quote from: RAPo on June 14, 2024, 03:31:09 pm ---I'm the proud owner of a Tektronix 1241 LA.
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How many colours can the 1241 display?
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I think it could only display two colours using some trickery with a dual (Orange / Green) phosphor coating and varying the beam voltage to choose between colours.
Using an LCCS (Liquid Crystal Color Shutter), the LA can display three colours (red, green, and yellow/amber).
Normal is so-called regular colour video mode: colour characters on a dark background
A Highlighted colour video mode: colour characters on a colour-shaded background for signalling important information
For input/menu fields, a reverse colour video mode: dark characters on a colour-shaded background
--- Quote from: McBryce on June 26, 2024, 08:43:01 am ---
--- Quote from: shakalnokturn on June 25, 2024, 10:25:51 pm ---
--- Quote from: RAPo on June 14, 2024, 03:31:09 pm ---I'm the proud owner of a Tektronix 1241 LA.
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How many colours can the 1241 display?
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I think it could only display two colours using some trickery with a dual (Orange / Green) phosphor coating and varying the beam voltage to choose between colours.
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A lot more than I have ever paid before!
You are right, these are getting very expensive even when sold as untested & possibly with drifty A3 cards. Time will tell if I made a good deal or will regret buying them.
I bought some new rubber bumpers for my new to me 34401A. Looks like it was used in a rack so no rubbers. This just makes it tidy.
Took the time to also unlock all the locked features such as the TEMP menu.
Also a BME280 turned up so I can start to log temp and hum with my 10V data.
Time to learn some more coding.
Got a Pro'sKit SS-331H vacuum desoldering station. Not exactly today, I ordered it during one of those impulsive shopping sessions earlier, but yesterday and today I had an unexpected chance of having to use it.
It's pure delight guys. If you need to desolder a through hole pin even once in your entire life, a tool like this is absolutely worth it.
Now I need to find something simple, compact, and decently performing for SMD desoldering. I wonder if there are any T12-compatible tips that have a rectangular cut sized to fit standard 1206, 0805 etc. sizes to get away without having to use tweezers and use just a single tip. I guess I could make one myself by making a cut in one of those wider tips, but this will destroy the plating, so not sure if it's going to work well.
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