Just got a new (to me) Agilent 34461a bench meter. Got a sweet deal for it on eBay, right at the $600 mark for the meter in factory original box with most of the original accessories + GPIB to USB adapter (not a cheap accessory by itself), original cal cert... beautiful.
I plug it in and boot it, let it and my DMMCheck Plus r8 warm up, then take comparative measurements on DC +5V to see those beautiful accurate digits...
My new 34461a is off my TWO MILLIVOLTS!!! My original HP bench 34401a is spot on at 5.0000V (instantly and with no warm up), my lesser Instek GDM-8255A is off by 100uV at 4.9999V (after 20 minutes of warm up, less accurate before that), but my just-arrived 34461a? 4.99800V!!!!! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE MY OVERLY ENTITLED DISAPPOINTMENT. May as well throw it in Dave's dumpster so he can feel my same excitement, and then my same disappointment.