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What's this please? (Component Advice)

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I recently came into possesion of a batch of TO-3 NPN transistors marked "LDS 2000" with a B or C suffix. They were made in 1987 (NOS), have quite a low gain of 12-14, and the CE breakdown voltage is around 850, and seems survivable, at least for the few times I've tested it.
Anyone familiar with this part, and knows of a datasheet/cross reference to another? My google-fu has proved insufficient to the task, and it's not in my TITS either (update 5).

Which temperature and humidity sensor is labeled 271R? This is from a Sonoff SNZB-02, I am investigating whether I could hook up an external sensor.

Andy Watson:
Try HDC1080 - if it fits, you should be able to read the manufacturer and device ID via the I2C bus.
 hdc1080.pdf (1230.17 kB - downloaded 96 times.)

Thanks Andy! This is most likely the correct chip, I did find a few entries in Google now that I know the chip name:


--- Quote from: Andy Watson on December 09, 2022, 05:18:31 pm ---Try HDC1080 - if it fits, you should be able to read the manufacturer and device ID via the I2C bus.
(Attachment Link)

--- End quote ---

Good job!  :-+


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