I found these ICs among an old hobbyist's stock which was donated to our hackspace, and can't find any data about them. They appear to be early (1978) Texas Instruments surface mount chips, clipped into plastic carriers. Part number is SN6331.
Can anyone enlighten me, please?
Probably variant of SN5331 (Triple 3-Imput Nand/Nor gate, series Modified DTL) The Flatpack style hints at space- or missile grade. OTOH, some computing applications used those packages too. I can't find actual info on SN63xxdevices, but SN53xx was Mil temperature range modified DTL, while SN73xx was commerial modified DTL.
EDIT: the Modified DTL series seems to predate the DIL package. Even the commercial grade was packaged like this. So it could be industrial temp. range.
Thanks, Neomys. With those pointers I was able to find a little more information including an overview datasheet for the SN53/SN73 series. Sadly it doesn't give pinouts or even truth tables, so I can't check to see if the SN6331 is indeed a NAND/NOR chip or what that means, exactly.
Although the Wikipedia entry for the Flatpack format only mentions the military standard MIL-STD-1835C, the datasheet I found references JEDEC standards TO-84 and TO-89. TO-84 is the 14-pin outline which matches this chip.
If anyone has a source for the pinout of this chip or the possibly matching SN5331 or SN7331, I would be grateful.