Anyone know what the FET labelled E401 is (second schematic). It's in the peak detector circuit and it looks like the drain and source are shorted together.
Is it maybe used as a variable resistance device? Anyone know a substitute or part number?
BTW This is a very nice voltmeter with plenty of rectification options and bandpass filter selections. Perfect for audio work really (or anything to 500 KHz).

Though it's built with standard components, this ac voltmeter contains many features not typi-cally found in commercial meters; the most unusual is a selection of rectification modes. The meter responses available include true RMS ('fRMS), average, RMS-calibrated average responding, positive peak, negative peak, positive-peak hold, and negative-peak hold.
High- and low-pass filters (S1 and S6, respectively) allow the -3-dB-passband to be varied from as little as 10 Hz to 200 Hz, to as wide as dc to 500 kHz. The low-pass filter also is effective in the 100x amplifier mode, where the input equivalent noise level is only 0.3 pV, with 10-kHz roll-off.