I've recently completed the conversion of my garage into my new workshop (well completed enough to move in - it's still something of a work in progress). It's a bit of a mess - I just finished getting a prototype working - I've been on it for the last 38 hours and it's 7AM here now.
It's quite a luxury to have a workbench 4m long for just the electronics stuff. I have a separate section at the end of the garage for the mechanical things (mill, lathe, pillar drill, vice, other tools etc.).

Main bits of electronics kit:
Fluke 189
Fluke 112
Fluke 123
Rigol DS1052E (Now 100MHz!)
Pico 3206 PC Scope (200MHz)
Ersa Digital 200A soldering iron (the best I've ever used)
Antex 50W soldering iron
Generic hot air rework station
Various bench PSUs (ranging up to 60V and 30A)
Tektronix THS720A Scope
Signal Generators
Various other multimeters
Fluke i310s 20KHz current clamp
Too many bits of homemade test kit to list
For parts storage I have 40 28 litre containers, 64 16 litre blue bins, 72 0.5 litre wall mounted bins, 300 small drawers and various other containers. They're all numbered and their contents are listed in a spreadsheet. This saves relabeling every time I get more stuff or move things around.
And on the computer front I have a generic middle of the road PC with a pair of 23" monitors. You can never have too much screen real estate!
I hope you've enjoyed the tour!