Some snapshots of my lab.
A rather insane amount of soldering irons, 2 Weller WECPs and 1 Metcal (reason to have 3: total surplus cost was approx US12)
2 scopes, a Rigol DS1052E, eh, 1102 and a Tektronix 2465CTS. To the right of the Tek sits a Huntron Tracker.
A massive HP 6267B linear power supply (0-40V @ 10A), interesting design with a triac pre-regulator in the mains circuit to limit dissipation.
A Fluke 87 DMM. 2 homebuilt power supplies (by now 30, 35 years old and still working just fine

) A LF sine generator (built when I was drafted into the air force, with ample spare time and a nice workshop at my disposal). A home built frequency counter and a home built LC meter.
On the bench various bits and bobs I'm working on. To the very left an "Extreme Isolation Transformer" (that is what the label says

) that I scavenged from a DEC VAX minicomputer.
On the shelves the inevitable (for a IT pro) stack of servers, PCs, laptops etc.