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Which DMM? Amprobe AM-220 or Uni-T UT61D

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Hi, i can't decide which DMM to buy.
I am thinking about Amprobe AM-220 and Uni-T UT61D.

I know they are in different categories, but I think i am choosing between quality and features.
Which one would you get? I am not a professional, just enthusiast doing stuff with microcontrollers.

Hi Julius.

Just get the most good looking one.  :)

At the low priced ones, the differences are few or none.

Just get the most good looking, with the digits that looks good on your eyes.

Try the Extech MN26T. It's like an improved EX330 with some other functionality + it's smaller.


--- Quote from: FenderBender on July 25, 2011, 03:33:20 pm ---Try the Extech MN26T.

--- End quote ---

Interesting suggestion, are you going to send him one for free ?   :)
About Julius I have plenty of suggestions for him too, but he was very specific in his own question.

Well he said he was thinking about those two. I do not think he is limited to them.


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