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FranLab is getting evicted

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--- Quote from: TomKatt on February 09, 2023, 12:29:08 pm ---
--- Quote from: coppercone2 on February 09, 2023, 12:06:44 pm ---A person in a good area has to give like 10 reassurances of what hood shit you don't need to worry about while at their house (anti crack head protocols, gang avoidance, so forth). And when rich people go where the poor are its like a war reporter. You are totally delusional if you don't think that's real.

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I grew up and live in the sticks, the kind of rural place where I don't even know where the keys to my front door are and you leave the car running when you run into a shop so the defroster warms up.

I've had family and friends from rougher areas come over, and it's amazing how uncomfortable they are in the dark and silent countryside...  It's like they freak out because it's too quiet, waiting for the next siren.  So, now instead of worrying about being mugged or shot, they think of 'cabin in the woods' Manson crime or something.

I couldn't live with that level of stress.

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Crime has to do with how invisible you are. When a car starts driving through such areas, and outsiders show up, its remembered. Criminals don't really get too far, and their not as invisible as they think in those kinds of places, their boring, and people are not super distracted all the time, so they notice problems and they can also remember who/what/where/when/why, making police investigations more effective. Like if you see a out of town car in such an area, its downright interesting. If you see something in the crowded city it just gets washed out. + you need alot of fuel, that means stops, and the bored out of their mind gas station people also find it interesting. Not to mention if you screw up a crime in that kind of area, you are out alot of time, money. In the city you can try right next door and probobly be successful.


--- Quote from: bigfoot22 on February 10, 2023, 06:38:56 pm ---
--- Quote from: EEVblog on February 09, 2023, 11:10:55 pm ---I asked the shop keeper how often that happens and she said she'd never heard one before in the 3 years she's worked there. The town doesn't even have a police station.

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Thats probably something that they tell the tourists so that they don't get scared and take their business elsewhere.

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Nope, shopkeeper was a young girl. Answer was genuine.

--- Quote ---I'm sure the crime rate is very high as it is everywhere else. In small towns like that you don't get serious crime but you do get a lot of harassment and bullying.
Next time you are there ask them if they are depressed. If they are then they are being harassed and bullied.
--- End quote ---

Nope, go to Old Bar or any small beachside town like this, they are all the same laid back nothing ever happens kind of places.

Fran has put up a Gofundme for health insurance costs.

I didn't see that one coming, I forgot how rooted the health care system is in the US, and I didn't know that if you change address you can't keep your health insurance, WTF.
Another reason she desperately needs to save cash (or possibly move state?). $15k a year just for health insurance is obviously completely unsustainable, she'll have to do this gofundme every year for the rest of her life. And that doesn't leave any contingency for getting evicted again or income dropping.

As a reference here, we choose to pay $400/month for a family of 4 for private health insurance. But of course we get free-ish (1.5% of our income) universal health care on top of that, so we don't actually need it. Private insurance is just nice to have.

My health insurance has always been tied to my employer, not to my home address. Either way the US healthcare system is a byzantine disaster that costs far more than any other system in the world.

$15,000 sounds like a lot for health insurance, but she doesn't specify how many years that will buy.

The US healthcare system is the biggest reason I decided not to emigrate there when I had the opportunity.  It's possible if you're rich enough to buy your way into decent healthcare, but even then there are so many gotchas about insurance that it seems easy to fall into one of the many traps.


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