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FranLab is getting evicted

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Danelectro tried using plastic pedals in the late 90's - they didn't last.  People underestimate the abuse a stomp box gets, even if its not used much on stage, these things get bumped around al ot on the road.


--- Quote from: nctnico on December 24, 2024, 08:37:33 pm ---With 3D printing you can integrate extra strengthening a standard plastic case doesn't have. And if anything else fails, a 3D printed housing can be designed to include a metal brace (and/or weight) which can also be a part which is outsourced. Either way, with 3D printing you can do a lot more compared to using standard enclosures.
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You can think of a dozen ways to make a 3D printed plastic case better, fact is no one in the industry is going to buy a plastic effects pedal.

Update: Fran just did a Patreon post indicating that a recent Patreon push has gotten enough traction to keep FranLab running through 2025. So I presume that means the storage units are saved as well, at least for this year.
Come back in 2026.

Analog Kid:
Some of us are rootin' for her!


--- Quote from: EEVblog on December 24, 2024, 10:17:30 pm ---
--- Quote from: nctnico on December 24, 2024, 08:37:33 pm ---With 3D printing you can integrate extra strengthening a standard plastic case doesn't have. And if anything else fails, a 3D printed housing can be designed to include a metal brace (and/or weight) which can also be a part which is outsourced. Either way, with 3D printing you can do a lot more compared to using standard enclosures.
--- End quote ---

You can think of a dozen ways to make a 3D printed plastic case better, fact is no one in the industry is going to buy a plastic effects pedal.

--- End quote ---

Uli Behringer have made foot pedals with plastic casing for years! And selling truck loads of them.


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