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Your pet peeve, technical or otherwise.

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Thanks for question.
   Part of my (omitted) point, is that many car sales today do not have a 'radio'.  I had to consider which thread to post this, as just a couple subject lines away is a good thread on inclusion / exclusion of regular (RF with antenna) classic radio, in deference to that big, 14 inch screen that the car-makers are putting in late models. 
   But also, my friendly local drug store always used to carry a $21 AM/FM radio, which is not sold now.  Comparisons to that are clear, as you turn switch on, and done...unless batteries got low.
Then, there were no 'drop-outs', and, by the way, it appears that never dropping out, during commercials, (although I need to carefully test that.

   It's all really in similar vein, to that other thread, nearby, on having simple, practical vs a smart touch screen doing everything...or smart speaker deal.


--- Quote from: RJHayward on May 02, 2023, 07:33:02 pm ---Thanks for question.
   Part of my (omitted) point, is that many car sales today do not have a 'radio'.  I had to consider which thread to post this, as just a couple subject lines away is a good thread on inclusion / exclusion of regular (RF with antenna) classic radio, in deference to that big, 14 inch screen that the car-makers are putting in late models. 
   But also, my friendly local drug store always used to carry a $21 AM/FM radio, which is not sold now.  Comparisons to that are clear, as you turn switch on, and done...unless batteries got low.
Then, there were no 'drop-outs', and, by the way, it appears that never dropping out, during commercials, (although I need to carefully test that.

   It's all really in similar vein, to that other thread, nearby, on having simple, practical vs a smart touch screen doing everything...or smart speaker deal.

--- End quote ---

I like older cars for exactly those reasons...  cars with real knobs and buttons,  with AM/FM radios, etc.!    - I recently rented a 2023 car in the UK, everything was on touch screen and my passenger had to spend a long time figuring out how to control the heating/AC, and the radio.   There is no way that I could have done that safely while driving. 

The people that design the touchscreen systems for cars are the most inept user interface designers, they must have been selected specifically for their lack of skill and common sense -  it cannot possibly happen at random!  How is it possible to make something that only needs a couple of buttons so hard to use?  It takes real talent to do that!

Today I experienced the general practice in my town is unable to provide me a referral letter to hospital per email. This was because their amazingly f*cked up ICT system is unable to email me when I leave the field for the mobile phone number empty. I do have a normal landline number which is actually Voip, but they can't accept that. But still, it is just a plain old email I want to receive.

I get f*cking angry it seems that everything requires a mobile phone nowadays.

In those cases I usually enter an obviously fake number (1234567890 or whatever format is needed). Of course, it's counterproductive if they'll only contact you via that :)


--- Quote from: Zeyneb on May 09, 2023, 04:14:18 pm ---Today I experienced the general practice in my town is unable to provide me a referral letter to hospital per email. This was because their amazingly f*cked up ICT system is unable to email me when I leave the field for the mobile phone number empty. I do have a normal landline number which is actually Voip, but they can't accept that. But still, it is just a plain old email I want to receive.

I get f*cking angry it seems that everything requires a mobile phone nowadays.

--- End quote ---

Obviously the phone number is now a de facto, unregulated, ID number.


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