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ChatGPT - I asked some questions - You should too!
I had the idea of asking ChatGPT all about Electricity.
I've been find it very useful for explaining how it works, I highly Recommend beginners to ask your Questions to ChatGPT, it never gets offended and you can Asked it again and again to rephrase it for you.
I have asked it to explain Voltage and Current, Electron Drift and Maxwell's Equations, does Electron Spin create electricity, Poynting Vectors... all those gritty details that you will be hard to find elsewhere with 1 Exception The Science Asylum
It's only been about 6 months since I discovered Veritasium's Video and his Follow up. In following the trail, I then found Rick Hartley (PCB designer), followed by Eric Bogatin, and Others:
Most useful of these the Altium Designer videos (PCB software company) has been posting their keynote speakers and I've learnt so much.
Rick Hartley at Altium
I just want to say, that Steady State DC works great with Lumped Models, until ... we add variation (Transient) into our circuits, as in anything that Switches, a 555 timer, a Microcontroller, a Mosfet.
The Reality is that we will not get to talk to EE's that understand Maxwell's equations or Poynting vectors.
I would like to think that this information can get some hobbyists mind out of the Water Model and into the Electromagnetic Field Model.
Some might argue that I'm creating division or confusion, I would say I'm bridging the baby steps we have been taught towards better understanding of the Universe (The Electromagnetic Universe)
What's the difference between Light (you see with your eyes) and energy in a circuit?
Do you have Questions? Ask GPT
Answer: frequency
Think about this then, how do we create Radio Waves from electronic parts to be transmitted into 'thin air'
Why am I so soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?
Can someone who asks ChatGPT questions about a subject that they do not know, ever really trust any answer that ChatGPT gives?
ChatGPT knows language, and it knows language almost scarily well, but not facts. It is also well known that ChatGPT invents "facts" and also can change "facts" when pressured.
But since it knows language so well, it can be very convincing with it's "facts".
--- Quote from: Ranayna on July 07, 2023, 01:03:58 pm ---Can someone who asks ChatGPT questions about a subject that they do not know, ever really trust any answer that ChatGPT gives?
ChatGPT knows language, and it knows language almost scarily well, but not facts. It is also well known that ChatGPT invents "facts" and also can change "facts" when pressured.
But since it knows language so well, it can be very convincing with it's "facts".
--- End quote ---
Ask a four year old, why is the sky blue?
@OP did you ask ChatGPT to write your post ?
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