If anyone tells you that ChatGPT is a useful "technical reference librarian" sort of assistant, consider this interaction I had today. At first glance you might think it actually knew something, but it simply confidently pretended a new function for a real part, and when challenged on that answer, it then hallucinated an imaginary part.
Q: Suggest a current source device similar to a LM334Z but which can deliver a current of 20 mA, and has a forward voltage drop less than 2 V.
A: For a current source device similar to the LM334Z but with a higher current capability and a forward voltage drop less than 2V, you can consider the ZXCT1107 series from Diodes Incorporated. The ZXCT1107 is a low-dropout current sense monitor that can also be used as a constant current source.
Q: Diodes Incorporated which is the manufacturer of the ZXCT1107 part does not have any examples in their data sheet of using it for a current source for any amount of current and certainly not 20 mA. They show it being used as a current monitor only, which is a different thing. Are you sure it can be used as a current source?
A: I apologize for the confusion. You are correct that the ZXCT1107 is primarily designed as a current sense monitor and not specifically intended to be used as a current source. My previous response was incorrect in suggesting it as a replacement for the LM334Z in terms of being a current source.
For a device that can provide a constant current of 20 mA with a forward voltage drop below 2V, a suitable alternative would be the ASI158x series of precision current sources from Analog Devices. These devices are designed specifically as precision current sources and can meet your requirements.
The ASI158x series offers various models with different current ratings, including versions capable of delivering a continuous current of up to 20 mA. These devices typically have low voltage drops and high precision. They are available in various package options, including TO-92 and SOT-23, as per your preference.
Q: Where can I find this Analog Devices ASI158x part? I can find no reference to that part on the Analog Devices website, or anywhere else on the entire internet, which makes me strongly suspect that it does not exist and it never did.
A: I apologize for the incorrect information provided in my previous response. You are right that there is no Analog Devices ASI158x series of precision current sources. I made an error in my response, and I apologize for the confusion and inconvenience caused.
I would recommend considering alternative solutions or looking into discrete component designs that can meet your requirements.